Page name: Elftown Christmas Tree [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-12-13 14:56:22
Last author: Yncke
Owner: iippo
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Elftown Christmas Tree


Let's decorate a Christmas tree together!

The Christmas tree below is separated into eight horizontal sections. Download one section to your computer. Decorate it with the graphics program of your choice (it must support transparent pngs, if you want to use MS Paint, ask in the comments about how we can make that work). Only one person should work on a section at a time. When you have decided which section you are working on, write your name on the list after the corresponding number to reserve the section. Don't start working on a section that is reserved by someone else. When decorating, be considerate and leave space for the next person to work with too. You can decorate parts of the tree that have already been worked on by someone else - but don't remove or cover up any decorations that were added earlier by someone else. Once you have reserved a section, don't take too long in case there is a queue. If it seems that you have just disappeared, I'll message you once and if you don't reply, someone else can take that section. When you are finished, upload your version of the section to this page in the place of the unedited version. You can edit all parts of the image, including the background to add presents, furniture, wall decorations, windows etc... Don't add anything R-rated (anything bleeding or naked is out of the question) or divisive (like anything political or... something else that people disagree on). If you add something that's not nice, your whole submission will be removed.



Please reserve a section of the tree:
1. [Viking]


If you want to decorate a whole Christmas tree by yourself, you can use this original full one:

And if you need a program for image editing, GIMP (pixel/raster) and Inkscape (vector) are both free open source programs:


Dividers from Elftown Graphics.

Username (or number or email):


2013-11-29 [iippo]: No you can just submit your stuff before I'm done.
If you want to add dangly things, I think the best way would be to just reserve two parts and work on them simultaneously. Or just not put anything dangly because it does get complicated like that. It's easier if you just edit within the boundaries of the one image.

2013-11-29 [Yncke]: Ah OK. I think I misinterpreted part of the explanation. You're not supposed to fill the whole segment, just add some and pass it on?

2013-11-29 [iippo]: Yeah, that would be nice, that way more than 8 people can participate. (Or the same less than 8 people can participate more >_> )

2013-12-01 [Teufelsweib]: Cool! Ill add myself later :D

2013-12-01 [Teufelsweib]: yay added already ^^

2013-12-08 [Dr.Mandarian]: That'll become awesome! ^_^

2013-12-09 [Nocturnaliss]: That is SUCH an awesome idea! I'd participate if I had enough time, but I'll have a tough time getting done for Secret Santa as it is o.O definitely gonna keep an eye on this ^^

2013-12-18 [Yncke]: It doesn't have to take a lot of time, [Nocturnaliss]. Just add one element and pass it on. ;)

2013-12-22 [Nocturnaliss]: Well, I still have to get started on my Secret Santa pic and the deadline's in two days... that's about how little time I have XD;

2014-12-08 [Yncke]: Perhaps the reserved slots could be emptied again and the tree could be decorated some more?

2014-12-08 [Dr.Mandarian]: Yes, [iippo] will this wiki be started this year, again? I'd maybe manage to decorate too, this time!

2014-12-08 [Dr.Mandarian]: But it would be a pity about your goblin and the little, sleeping dragon, [Yncke]! Wouldn't six empty spots of the tree be enough space left?

2014-12-08 [Teufelsweib]: [iippo] isn't here anymore, or at least at the moment:)

2014-12-08 [Dr.Mandarian]: Okay, thought maybe she'd hear me if I'd shout only loud enough... ;) Well, maybe she logs back in over the next weeks? Would be nice, if we together get this tree completed this year, wouldn't it?

2014-12-09 [Teufelsweib]: I wouldn't wait for that! she hasn't logged in for over a year now, as you can see on her page :) but I do agree that the tree is a bit empty

2014-12-09 [Mortified Penguin]: Yeah, yeah... I'm getting around to making my part. I have to get the ball hair just right in photoshop and I think I'll be done. Who knows how long that could take though.

2014-12-09 [Viking]: Maybe if we all yell for [iippo] at the same time, she'll hear and log in again.

2014-12-09 [Mortified Penguin]: Good luck, I wake up screaming "[iippo]" every single morning and still have yet to see or hear from anything other than her pale ghost hovering dramatically over the foot of my bed, pointing a grotesque, transparent finger at me and whispering in a cold, broken voice saying, "You did this to me, Mort. You killed me..." and then vanishing in a puff of mist, leaving me sobbing in a pool of my own tears and urine with vivid images of the horrifying phantom still lingering in my mind... still beckoning me to join her in the grave...

2014-12-09 [Viking]: But if we all yell at the same time you might not soil yourself.

2014-12-09 [Mortified Penguin]: That's highly doubtful. I'm soiling myself right now and nobody is yelling except an elementary school teacher, a few traumatized children, and several police officers that are hurrying this way with their guns drawn.

2014-12-09 [Viking]: At least you won't have to go to the bathroom while on the car ride to the police station.

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